Friday, October 30, 2009

the west coast is calling.

Well, I am very excited right now, because I just booked a ticket to San Diego! It was my first time to book a ticket on my own, to take a trip on my own, to visit a friend. So I am very pleased.

I am going to visit my good friend, Susan, who is currently serving as an Ensign for the U.S. Navy. I have truly missed our weekly college "lunches", where we would spend hours catching up on life, family, friends, relationships and what God was teaching us.

Do you ever have people that, after spending time with them, you feel refreshed and spiritually encouraged? Susan is definitely one of those people for me. Though we had two very different college experiences - she being in the corps, and me being involved in a lot of church activities, it felt like we went through a lot of the same seasons of busyness and stress. And we learned a lot of the same things. It was great being able to encourage one another, pray for each other, and know that God was taking care of us.

I always looked forward to the end of the week when I would have lunch with Susan, and we could share/vent about everything that had happened that week, and relax some as we looked forward to the weekend. So now, I get to take a weekend in November to relax with her yet again.

I am sure our time will be full of some exciting activities and new adventures. And I am sure I will get laughed at more than once for doing something stupid along the way too. Never fails...

I have never been to California, so I look forward to getting to see and try some new things. I love getting to travel and see the way that people live in different areas. The culture can vary even from city to city - as I can see even in Houston versus Austin. So I know California will have its own unique flavor as well.

The nice lady at Continental helped me find tickets that I could cover using my miles, and she even scored me window seats both ways. Yesssss.

There is a first time for everything. California, here I come.

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